Dr Guthrie's Child Abuse,


dr guthries list d school edinburgh

We are survivors of Dr Guthrie's schools.

 We are seeking justice and closure because many of us experienced some of the most appalling abuse and mistreatment imaginable.


Because of Scotland's rotten, corrupt justice system. Survivors are under pressure to seek redress. Our lawyers cannot bring a case against the institutions that abused us. Scottish law says that the institutions cannot get a fair trial because all the alleged abusers are supposedly dead. There is no mention of the fact that I first complained in 1988 and was ignored. It cannot be emphasised enough that I and other survivors have no right to justice.

We have never had any kind of justice under Scottish law. In Scotland, the authorities have protected the abusers and are currently protecting the institutions; they have disregarded survivors "in my case for 53 years." It's now 2023. Is it any wonder that the abusers are dead? Moreover, the three-year time-bar was only lifted in 2017. It makes me ashamed to be Scottish. 

Remember that the majority of survivors have been ignored for a very long time. The new law prohibits institutions from being held liable after those responsible have died.

If our own Holyrood Parliament allows such a law to pass without opposition or even criticism, we can only assume that they support it.


Dr Guthrie's Ragged Schools - Exclusively for Scotland's elite

 to abuse children with total impunity

dr thomas guthrie statue princes street edinburgh
dr guthries boys and girls schools edinburgh

The  schools  were  'hellholes'  where  vulnerable  children  were  tortured

  and  sexually  abused. 

  The  truth  about  these  atrocities  will  be  revealed . 


In Scotland, victims of child abuse are informed that they have two options:

 to sue the institutions or to seek redress.

 However, in most cases victims cannot sue in civil court if the abusers are no longer alive.

 Apparently, the institutions cannot get a fair trial if the perpetrators are dead.

 Seeking redress for those who survived Dr Guthrie's schools is therefore a necessity, not an option.

There is a list of voluntary contributors to Redress Scotland

 and here is the link to it.



but there is no legal requirement for institutions such as the Dr Guthrie Association

 to contribute to the redress scheme.

Survivors cannot sue the Dr Guthrie's Association

 and the Dr Guthrie's Association doesn't have to contribute to the scheme.

The abusive Dr Guthrie's Schools Association, now called the Dr Guthrie's Association,

 continues to operate with impunity.

They can continue to donate to the charities of their choice

 and retain their considerable financial resources,

 while the victims of abuse in Dr. Guthrie's schools

 remain unacknowledged and uncompensated. 

dr guthries association grants

 A Scottish charity that advocates for abused children in the Scottish media

 received funding from an institution that is under investigation for child abuse

 by the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. 

Donating to a charity dedicated to helping those affected by child abuse did not create a conflict of interest for Dr Guthrie's Association. 

 However, it is important to note that those abused in Dr Guthrie's schools

 feel humiliated and insulted.  

We continue to be ignored and disregarded  


Where is the outrage over this? See the investigations at

the Scottish Abuse Inquiry 


Despite being on the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry list since 2015 and being the subject of an ongoing investigation by the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, Dr Guthrie's Association is still able to make charitable donations to charities that support victims of child abuse.  

 You can find them in section 5 of the Non-Religious Voluntary Organisations

  Dr Guthrie’s Schools Association. Dr Guthrie’s Boys School. Dr Guthrie’s Girls School, Edinburgh

These are the financial statements of Dr Guthrie's Association 

for the calendar year ended 31 March 2022 and 2023




It doesn't seem to bother these people that their organisation is the subject of several police investigations, letters from lawyers and the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry.

If you click on the PDFs and scroll down you will see that Dr Guthrie's Association donated money to two well-known child abuse charities and also spent £44,000 on legal fees in 2022 and £10,000 on legal fees in 2023. 

These are the same people who have not apologised to any of the survivors of abuse in Dr Guthrie's schools and who refuse to take responsibility for the abuse that took place in Dr Guthrie's schools.

 The same people who have made no contribution to the redress scheme.

Scotland's child abuse investigation list includes Dr Guthrie's schools. Well, we thought it was.

 The fact that the child abuse charities actually accepted the donation

 is something that Dr Guthrie's survivors find very difficult to understand.


      Are  cases  of  child  abuse  involving  former  pupils  of  Dr  Guthrie's  schools  being  swept  under  the  carpet?

   Or  Is  it  acceptable  to  abuse  children  who  have  attended

 Dr. Guthrie's schools ? ____________________________________________________ 

  Dr Guthrie statue protest video here  



Please sign the petition below.

 Do not let them get away with horrific child abuse

dr guthries ragged schools edinburgh